Sunday, May 29, 2011

5/29: Things Are Moving Along...

It's Memorial Day Weekend - enjoyed time at Grandma and PePe's (my parents) with Aunt Frannie (my sister) and MawMaw(Jennifer's Mom).  We hung out in the pool, played, soaked up the sun, and enjoyed some great steak dinner with awesome cake for Grandma and PePe's 40th anniversary. It'll be times like these we'll cherish over these next two months.  These memories and times together will carry us until we can get back to Houston for Christmas.

This weekend we made progress towards simplifying our life here.  We sold the van.  So officially - we own NO vehicles.  Thankfully my folks have 3 cars and are allowing us to use one of their cars.   The kids love riding in it.  So one more major thing taken care of.  Now to getting our house ready to pack up, paint the house one nice neutral color - and hope it can get leased for July!!! 

Read an awesome quote today. Made me think of the journey we're getting ready to embark on.
  "Home Is Here....Opportunities Are Not."  - Jonathan Alexander
Not that opporunities are at home but this oppurtunity is going to allow us to experience things most don't. 

Tonight I asked the kids at bed time what they were looking forward to about moving to the UAE...Caralyn said she can't wait to see some camels.  Cole wants to pet and ride a camel.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5/26: It's Official!!!

Contracts signed...Resignation letters turned in...

We're one step closer to our life in the United Arab Emirates.  Jennifer's slated to teach 4th grade and I'm slated to teach high school English.  The UAE is recruiting teachers to come and teach English to the Emiratis. 

We're leaving either the 1st or 3rd week of August.  We'll know a better departure date in July.

While we know we will miss our families SO MUCH - and our kids will have a difficult time understanding why their family is not just a few miles away - we are excited about the oppurtunities we have ahead of us.  We will get to see parts of the world that most people don't get the chance to see. 

A few picures from the cities....and these of course aren't the whole country....lots of desert too!

Please come and check out our blog - and keep updated!!!