Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monday - June 13th

What a long weekend!  From Friday to Sunday evening we painted our ENTIRE house!  Covered up all the paint and decor we have done to make our home - OUR HOME!  But for two years it'll be someone else's home.  While it was hard work and very tiring, we're glad it's done.  Not to mention how thankful we are that Dana and Frannie helped us! 

Finally - got our passports today!!!  Sent our info in and that makes all of our documents turned in and ready for the visas!  Now we just finish dealing with our house and waiting! 

Thankfully today we got a call from Ms. Smith (Smitty) - and she wants out dogs!  So it looks like the dogs will have a loving home!!! NO SHELTER!!!  

On top of all the craziness of moving to the UAE and stuff - My dad had back surgery today.  Just some herinated discs.  Feeling great today and hopefully on the mend!  Just hoping he follows doctors orders. 

Some time in July we should know a timeframe of when we're leaving!  Currently it looks like the 3rd week of August!!!

What an awesome day!!!  Stay Tuned...