Saturday, October 8, 2011

So we took a day trip to Dubai.  Fascinating!  Can't wait to back! 

Deserts, Deserts, AND MORE Deserts!  On the road to Dubai - we saw more camels than we'd seen before!  Even some being hauled in trucks!  love it!

DVD Players - awesome!  Caralyn was jamming out to the VBS music from this summer we just downloaded via iTunes here! Radio stations are not our friend here in Al Ain. 

Typically on the road to Abu Dhabi the speed limit is 120 km which is roughly 75 mph.
On the road to Dubai it says max is 140 which is 85 km/hr! 
Bad part - rental cars start beeping when you hit 120 - so we heard lots of beeps!

We were disappointed....just want we wanted to do!

Eventually we'll get to see some camel races!  Inshallah!

We met up with Mr. Tom to get a piece of luggage filled with goodies! 
Awesome hotel!

One building - tons of balconies.  Another building - no balconies.
Guess one for smokers - one for nons!

Just playing with my awesome camera!

Photo op - so they'd stop jumping off the steps! 

Love it!

Cole thought this was a good place for a photo.  So we listened to him.

Some pyramid building...interesting!

Another reason for going to Duabi - BUILD-A-BEAR!

Just like home - do all the motions for you new "pet"...

Caralyn putting in the "meow" sound.  These guys here were awesome.

Cole decided on one animal, and two outfits.  One outfit was a harley jacket with chaps.  The other was some army clothes with a helmet.  Caralyn chose two animals. 

Meet Lily

Kenny the Camel!  Caralyn loves Kenny!  Kenny says, "I love you!"

Dubai - Marina Mall. 

Cole's new best friend.  Ben the German Shepard.  And I know (if you've been keeping up) understand why he chose Ben!

TGI Fridays - had to have it!

View from the mall

Cranes everywhere.

Just for you Frannie!

So as we decide to head home - I noticed this sign, "The Palm Jumeria", I knew this had to be the man-made island that is the shape of a - guess it - a palm tree.  I've seen it in pictures and even showed kids the pictures when we'd studied the Middle East.  So we took the exit and WOW!  AMAZING!!!!
The buildin that is the upper left is it's own island.

I didn't take this photo - just included it so you can see the birds eye view of The Palm of Jumeria. 
We drove all the way to the end and back! 

These apartment buildings line the streets coming on the island.  I can't imagine the number of flats/apartments there are.  It's nuts!

Then we see this huge palace like building! It's Atlantis - the resort! It's on the outside circle of the island.

The Atlantis....'Nuff said!

Fronds...the streets that are acutally the palm leaves.  Fronds...who've thunk it!

You can totally see the curving street....A FROND!

Universal Studios...Not sure if this is there and just not visible off the highway or a 'coming soon' sort of thing. 

Love this picture...The ARABIAN GULF!!!! 

Don't all 5 yr olds eat breakfast in costume...

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